
媒体采访 | 澳议员窜访台北违反“一中”原则 中方表示坚决反对

发布日期: 2022-12-11   作者:  浏览次数: 12


Chinese FM urges Australia to stop official exchanges with Taiwan island; delegation visit ‘doomed to end with nothing substantive’

Australia US Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson on Tuesday urged Australia to earnestly adhere to the one-China principle, stop all forms of official interactions with the Taiwan region and stop sending wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" forces, in response to the visit of a bipartisan delegation of Australian politicians to the island of Taiwan despite the recent warming of China-Australia ties.

Mao Ning, spokesperson for the ministry, made the remarks at a regular press briefing on Tuesday. She noted that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. The one-China principle is a universally recognized norm in international relations and is the prerequisite and political foundation for the development of friendly relations between China and other countries.

Mao's remarks came after an Australian delegation of six federal members of parliament (MPs) from the Coalition and Labor arrived in Taiwan island by air on Sunday. The delegation is reportedly scheduled to meet Taiwan regional leader Tsai Ing-wen and the island's senior official in charge of external affairs Joseph Wu.

According to local media on the island, the Taiwan authorities have kept the visit low key with the spokesperson for the island's external affairs authority saying on Tuesday that they would not reveal any details about the trip.

While it remains unclear whether the low-pitched response came as the reckless visit has sparked strong opposition from the Chinese mainland, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has been urged to express explicitly his opposition to the visit that is provocative to Beijing.

On Saturday at a press conference, Albanese 
tried to distance himself from the delegation by stressing the trip is not by the government and he "has no idea" of the trip's intention.

Chinese observers criticized Albanese's vague and cop-out remarks for being insincere on improving Canberra's relations with Beijing, as they will undoubtedly encourage the arrogance of anti-China forces and pro-Taiwan secessionist forces in Australia.

Ahead of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia which falls on December 21, the delegation's visit damaged the improving atmosphere between the two countries, Chen Hong, president of the Chinese Association of Australian Studies and director of the Australian Studies Center at East China Normal University, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

Last month, on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, Chinese and Australian heads of state conducted a face-to-face meeting in a significant breakthrough in relations.

Chen pointed out that during the past few years, the bilateral relationship had been at a low ebb, and some Taiwan secessionists in the island were trying to take advantage, wooing anti-China forces in Australia to gain political leverage.

During the trip, Taiwan authorities are expected to lobby Australia for support so it can join a regional trade pact, Australian media outlet ABC reported.

However, Chen believed that the efforts would be in vain, citing Albanese's recent remarks which have suggested Australia is very unlikely to support the Taiwan region's push to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Speaking at the APEC meeting in Bangkok, Albanese said the agreement was only for "recognized" nation-states, rather than economies. "Taiwan is represented here (at APEC) as an economy," the Australian prime minister noted, according to an ABC report on November 18.

The trip led by former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce and other non-power-holders is no more than an eye-catching event, which is doomed to end with no substantive outcomes, Chen said.